Saturday, October 1, 2011
Miniature, Tiny, Secret, Fairy Gardens
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Great Finds
Monday, September 12, 2011
Our Fall Postcard has Arrived!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Pesto 101

1. Combine the basil and garlic in the bowl of a food processor. (I usually chop up the garlic a little, then add the basil and process together so the garlic is well minced)
2. Leave the motor running and add the olive oil in a slow steady stream. Sometimes I use a little less (3/4 cup) because I will either be adding more oil to pasta later or, if I am planning to freeze the pesto I add a little on top to keep the color fresh.
(Little hands are always a great help!)
3. Shut the processor off. Add the cheeses, a big pinch of salt and a liberal grinding of fresh black pepper. Process briefly to combine.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Barn Owl Update

In the last few weeks our owls all seem to learn to fly the same way. They take their first flying leap out of the nest. Then they spend a day or two sitting on the ground or perched on our electrical boxes. Soon they are either back in the nest or on their way into the world.

I believe these are actually two different owls. In the photo above the owl just seemed to need a rest. The owl below was actually dubbed "sad owl" because he seemed much younger and looked like he was lonely and missed the nest. Luckily, after 2 days down below "sad owl" managed to fly back up to the nest to be with his siblings.

I love the last few fluffy baby feathers!

Although I am actually only 5-6 feet away this owl doesn't seem to mind! He is almost camouflaged against the old brick wall.

Sunday, July 3, 2011
Our Baby Barn Owls
As you can see, they are getting big but still have some of their fuzzy little

Here is a closer view of one of the older owls and one of the younger. It is amazing how they grow and change.

I'll keep you posted on our little owl family. Hope you enjoyed the photos!
Friday, June 24, 2011
10th Anniversary Celebration

Finally, I would like to thank my wonderful, loyal customers. Many of you were there when the shop opened in 2001 in a 200 square foot shed. Then you joined me when I made the move onto Main Street in Amador City and finally our move to this huge rambling old home in Sutter Creek. You have watched both of my children grow up - often in a playpen behind the counter, sometimes crying, sometimes sleeping, always cute. You have tolerated my "Attempted Hours" or the occasional closed sign because of a sick baby or a quick "Back in a Minute" dash to school at 2:00 every day. Thank you for your patience and generosity. Thank you for your support. Most of all, thank you for all of your positive comments. It is the positive energy I get from my customers that makes me look forward to going to work every day. I thrive on your compliments and ideas. It is because of my customers that I'm looking forward to another 10 years!!! (shhh...don't tell Dusty!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A Taste of the Ranch

They even have root beer "tasting" for the kids - which Jack and Emma loved!

Em was having a great time spilling her root beer down the front of her shirt!

I love this section of old fence next to an old oak tree.

We arrived a little late to the event so Dusty and the kids were rummaging around for the cheese and crackers. This old barn is where we tasted the Shake Ridge Red - and the Bucking Rootbeer from Jackson Hole, WY. A great wine and Jack's favorite root beer!